my theory

When i first entered this class my theory of wriring this can discripe that the good piece of writing must be tighity orarganized . agood piece of writing must convey the idea as clearly as possible and should be well organized (have a clear introdaction ,body paragraphs wthi topic sentences and concultions ) although i still believe that a good writing is all of those thing , it has envolved to inclu all of the elements listed below as well.

my theory of writing contiues to evolved with each piece of writing that i write that i n this class ,with each pice i complete , i learn more about what good writing looks like and i can apply those lessons to future pieces . at the beginning of the class i fouces on ensuring that each pice was writting clearly so that the reader understood what i was try to say ,now my theory has expanded to included more specific elements such as as using ecigence, wthi the tone of the pice , because i have learned more about the copenents of good writting , iam able to foucs more on the quality of my writing and less on the organization of the work .

I belive that the key to wrinting well is knowing what you arre doing .you need to understand the purpoe of your writing so that i do in all writing and my message to that purpose (why i wriring this?massgage what doi wanna to say)Audience _who do i want to reach wit my massage ),i also need to write with the audience in mind ,not just for my self , in order to write effectivly ,i need to understand who reades are and what they want to know /understand from i was writing ,finly ,i will need to incorporate good grammar and spelling into my writting as well, grammar and speilling play important part in getting my writing and message across clearly and effectively ,so important to pay attention to those aspects of my writing ,Aagret way to get started writing i to is to begin with outline of what you want to write about , this can help you organize my ideas before you start writing so that my massage is clear as much as i can and concise ,once i have to completed my outline essay ,i can start writing be overwhelming ,but it will get easiser as you contiune to write .